


来源:新华社 时间:2019-09-17 15:43 阅读次数:

     近日,The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the revised Regulations on the Formulation of Intra-Party Regulations of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations"), the Regulations on the Filing and Examination of Intra-Party Regulations and Normative Documents of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations on the Filing and Examination"), and the newly formulated Provisions on the Responsibility System for the Implementation of Intra-Party Regulations of the Communist Party of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Provisions on the Responsibility System for the Implementation of Regulations").,并发出通知,要求各地区各部门认真遵照执行。

The circular pointed out that the Regulations on the Formulation of Intra-Party Regulations and the Provisions on the Filing of Intra-Party Regulations and Normative Documents, issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in 2012, have played an important role in strengthening the construction of intra-party regulations and systems。根据新的形势、任务和要求,党中央对其予以修订。


It is necessary to do a good job in the formulation of intra-party regulations in accordance with the "Regulations", focus on the key of improving quality, do a good job in the system "supply-side structural reform", and form the overall effect of the system。


In order to strictly implement the Provisions on the Responsibility System for the Implementation of Regulations, Party organizations and leading cadres of Party members at all levels must firmly establish the concept of strict implementation of regulations and shoulder the political responsibility of implementing intra-party regulations。各地区各部门在贯彻执行中的重要情况和建议,要及时报告党中央。



(2012年5月26日中共中央批准并发布 2019年8月30日中共中央政治局会议修订)

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the Communist Party of China in order to standardize the formulation of intra-Party regulations, improve the quality of intra-Party regulations, form a sound system of intra-Party regulations, and promote governing the Party in accordance with regulations。

第二条 党内法规制定工作以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,坚持和加强党的全面领导,坚持党要管党、全面从严治党,坚决维护习近平总书记党中央的核心、全党的核心地位,坚决维护党中央权威和集中统一领导。

Article 3 Intra-Party regulations are special rules and regulations formulated by the Central organization of the Party, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the working organs of the Party Central Committee, and the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, which embody the unified will of the Party, regulate the Party's leadership and Party building activities, and ensure their implementation by relying on Party discipline。


第四条 制定党内法规,主要就以下事项作出规定:






第五条 党内法规的名称为党章、准则、条例、规定、办法、规则、细则。

The Party Constitution provides fundamental provisions on the nature and purpose of the Party, its line and program, its guiding ideology and goals, its organizational principles and structures, the duties and rights of Party members, and Party discipline。




Intra-party regulations formulated by the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the working organs of the CPC Central Committee and the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may use the names of provisions, measures, rules and detailed rules。

第六条 党内法规一般使用条款形式表述,根据内容需要可以分为编、章、节、条、款、项、目。

第七条 党内法规制定工作应当遵循下列原则:








第八条 党内法规制定工作由党中央集中统一领导,日常工作由中央书记处负责。


第二章 权限

第九条 党的中央组织就下列事项制定中央党内法规:









第十条 中央纪律检查委员会以及党中央工作机关就其职权范围内有关事项制定党内法规:




第十一条 省、自治区、直辖市党委就其职权范围内有关事项制定党内法规:



Article 12 The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the working organs of the CPC Central Committee and the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may first formulate intra-Party regulations on matters that should be formulated in accordance with the authorization of the CPC Central Committee, and then formulate intra-Party regulations when conditions are ripe。

In formulating intra-party regulations in accordance with the authorization of the Party Central Committee, the enacting organ shall strictly abide by the authorization requirements, promptly request instructions and report to the Party Central Committee on relevant major matters, and shall not issue them until they have been submitted to the Party Central Committee for approval。

第十三条 涉及两个以上部委职权范围的事项,有关部委应当联合制定党内法规或者提请党中央制定中央党内法规。


第十四条 上位党内法规明确要求制定配套党内法规的,应当及时制定;没有要求的,一般不再制定。


第三章 规划与计划

Article 15 The formulation of intra-party regulations shall be carried out in a coordinated manner, the five-year plan and annual plan for the formulation of intra-Party regulations shall be formulated in a scientific manner, with emphasis on key points and overall promotion, so as to build an intra-Party regulation system with scientific content, strict procedures, complete supporting facilities and effective operation。

Article 16 The five-year plan for the formulation of intra-Party regulations of the CPC Central Committee shall be summarized by the General Office of the CPC Central Committee on the formulation proposals put forward by the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, various departments of the CPC Central Committee and Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, drawn up after extensive consultation, discussed at an office meeting of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, and submitted to the CPC Central Committee for examination and approval。

The annual plan for the formulation of Intra-Party regulations shall be formulated by the General Office of the Central Committee after summarizing the proposals for the next year's formulation made by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and various central departments before the end of each year and submitted to the Central Committee for examination and approval。

Article 17 The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Central departments and the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central government shall put forward proposals for the enactment of intra-Party regulations, including the name of the intra-Party regulations, the necessity of enactment, the time of submission, and the drafting unit。

Article 18 The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the working organs of the CPC Central Committee and the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in accordance with their functions and powers and actual needs, formulate work plans and plans for the formulation of intra-party regulations in their respective systems and regions。

第十九条 党内法规制定工作规划和计划在执行过程中,可以根据实际情况进行调整。

第四章 起草

Article 20 The Central Party regulations are generally drafted by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and relevant departments of the Central Committee in accordance with their contents, while the General Office of the Central Committee coordinates the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and relevant departments of the Central Committee in drafting comprehensive Party regulations or sets up a special drafting group to draft them。特别重要的中央党内法规由党中央组织起草。



第二十一条 党内法规草案一般应当包括下列内容:







Article 22 In drafting intra-party regulations, we shall conduct in-depth investigations and studies, fully grasp the actual situation, earnestly summarize historical experience and new practical experience, and fully understand the opinions and suggestions of Party organizations at all levels and the majority of Party members。必要时,调查研究可以吸收党委及其工作机关法律顾问和有关专家学者参加,或者委托专门机构开展。

第二十三条 起草党内法规的部门和单位,应当就涉及其他部门和单位工作范围的事项,同有关部门和单位协商一致。经协商未能取得一致意见的,应当在报送党内法规草案时对有关情况作出说明。

第二十四条 起草党内法规,应当与现行党内法规相衔接。For the same matter, if it is necessary to make provisions inconsistent with the existing intra-party regulations, it shall make a repeal in the draft or how to apply the provisions of the existing intra-Party regulations, and explain the situation and reasons when submitting the draft。

第二十五条 党内法规草案形成后,应当广泛征求意见。征求意见范围根据党内法规草案的具体内容确定,必要时在全党范围内征求意见。征求意见时应当注意听取党代表大会代表和基层党员、干部以及有关专家学者的意见。与群众切身利益密切相关的党内法规草案,应当充分听取群众意见。


第二十六条 起草部门和单位向审议批准机关报送党内法规草案,应当同时报送草案制定说明。制定说明应当包括制定党内法规的必要性、主要内容、征求意见情况、同有关部门和单位协商情况等。

第五章 审批与发布

第二十七条 审议批准机关收到党内法规草案后,交由所属法规工作机构进行前置审核。前置审核主要审核下列内容:










第二十八条 中央党内法规草案的审批,按照下列方式进行:







第二十九条 经审议批准的党内法规草案,由法规工作机构审核并按照程序报批后发布。


Internal Party regulations shall be published publicly on Party newspapers, party journals, key news websites, portal websites and other party media, unless Party and state secrets are not to be disclosed or should not be disclosed in accordance with relevant regulations。

第三十条 实际工作迫切需要但还不够成熟的党内法规,可以先试行。试行期限一般不超过5年。

第六章 保障

第三十一条 制定党内法规,应当严格遵循效力位阶要求:


(二)中央党内法规的效力高于中央纪律检查委员会以及党中央工作机关和省、自治区、直辖市党委制定的党内法规,The CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the working organs of the CPC Central Committee, and the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall not enact intra-party regulations in conflict with the intra-Party regulations and normative documents of the CPC Central Committee;

(3) Intra-Party regulations formulated by the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the working organs of the CPC Central Committee are more effective than those formulated by the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the enactment of intra-party regulations by the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall not contradict the intra-Party regulations formulated by the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the working organs of the CPC Central Committee。

Article 32 Where an intra-party regulation formulated by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the working organs of the CPC Central Committee, or the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government falls under any of the following circumstances, the CPC Central Committee shall order it to correct or revoke it:






Article 33 Where a general provision and a special provision are inconsistent in an intra-party regulation formulated by the same enacting organ, the special provision shall apply;Where the old provisions are inconsistent with the new provisions, the new provisions shall apply。

第三十四条 党内法规需要进一步明确条款具体含义或者适用问题的,应当进行解释。Intra-party rules and regulations promulgated by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the working organs of the Central Committee, and the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be interpreted by the enacting organs。


Article 35 Intra-Party regulations formulated by the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the working organs of the CPC Central Committee and the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be reported to the CPC Central Committee for the record within 30 days from the date of promulgation。中央办公厅按照有关规定负责具体审查工作。

Article 36: We should integrate the formulation and implementation of intra-party regulations, improve the responsibility system for the implementation of intra-party regulations, intensify publicity, education and training of intra-Party regulations, assess the implementation of intra-Party regulations and their effectiveness, strengthen supervision and accountability, and ensure that intra-Party regulations are effectively implemented。

Article 37 The enacting organ shall organize the cleaning up of intra-party regulations, carry out centralized cleaning up in a timely manner, carry out special cleaning up of specific content or specific scope as needed, and carry out immediate cleaning up simultaneously in the process of enacting。根据清理情况,作出修改、废止、宣布失效等决定。

第三十八条 制定机关应当及时修改滞后于实践发展的党内法规。视情可以采取修订、修正案或者修改决定等方式修改,对相关联的党内法规可以开展集中修改。修改后,应当发布新的党内法规文本。

第三十九条 党内法规的编纂、汇编、出版等事宜,由制定机关所属法规工作机构按照有关规定办理。

第七章 附则

第四十条 党内法规的修改,适用本条例。


第四十一条 军队党内法规制定规定,由中央军事委员会根据本条例制定。

第四十二条 本条例由中央办公厅负责解释。

第四十三条 本条例自发布之日起施行。


(Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on June 4, 2012, the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued the revisions to the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on August 30, 2019 on June 4, 2012)

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Provisions are formulated in accordance with the Regulations on the Formulation of Intra-Party Regulations of the Communist Party of China in order to regulate the filing and examination of intra-Party regulations and normative documents and maintain the unity and authority of Intra-Party regulations and Party policies。

第二条 本规定适用于党组织制定的党内法规和规范性文件的备案审查工作。







第三条 备案审查工作应当遵循下列原则:




Article 4 Party committees at all levels, the Party Discipline inspection Commission, the Party Committee (decision-making) discussion and coordination organs, the Party's work organs, institutions directly under the Party Committee, and the Party group (Party committee) bear the main responsibility for the record review work。



第二章 主体

第五条 党组织制定的党内法规和规范性文件应当向上级党组织报备。


The Party organization shall review the intra-Party regulations and normative documents reported by the lower-level Party organizations, and the specific work shall be handled by its subordinate regulatory work body or the work body that undertakes relevant functions。

Article 6 The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the deliberation and coordination organs of the Party Central Committee (decision-making), the working organs of the Party Central Committee, the institutions directly under the Party Central Committee, the Party groups (Party committees) approved by the Party Central Committee, and the Party committees of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall submit inner-party regulations and normative documents to the Party Central Committee。


Article 7 The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the working organs of the Party Central Committee and the Party groups (Party committees) of the relevant central state organs and departments may, according to the needs of their work, establish a systematic record system in accordance with the spirit of these Provisions。

The Party Central Committee clearly stipulates that Party organizations submit their internal Party regulations and normative documents to a specific subject for reference and review, in accordance with its provisions, and the relevant party organizations shall also report in accordance with the requirements of these provisions。


第三章 报备

第八条 应当报备的党内法规和规范性文件,自发布之日起30日内由制定机关报备。


第九条 报备党内法规和规范性文件,应当提交1份备案报告、正式文本和备案说明,装订成册,并报送电子文本。


第十条 报备机关应当在每年2月1日前,将上一年度文件目录报送审查机关备查。

第四章 审查

第十一条 审查机关对符合审查要求的报备党内法规和规范性文件,应当予以登记,从下列方面进行审查:


(二)合法合规性审查。Including whether it is consistent with the Constitution and laws, whether it is inconsistent with the Party Constitution, the upper party regulations and normative documents, whether it is in conflict with the provisions of the same party regulations and normative documents on the same matter, whether it is in line with the formulation authority and procedures, and whether it is implemented to streamline documents and improve the style of writing。




Article 12 For Intraparty regulations and normative documents that are complex and sensitive in content, highly professional and involving a wide range of areas, the examination organ may solicit opinions and suggestions from relevant parties or conduct consultation and research。

Where the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the government, and the military record review bodies find that there may be violations of laws and regulations and normative documents within the Party, they may put forward review suggestions to the record review bodies of the Party committees at the same level。同级党委备案审查工作机构应当研究处理,并以适当方式反馈结果。

第十三条 针对审查中发现的问题或者有关方面的意见建议,审查机关可以要求报备机关作出说明。


第五章 处理

第十四条 审查机关应当根据不同情形,对报备的党内法规和规范性文件作出相应处理决定,并督促报备机关及时办理。报备机关应当认真落实审查机关的处理决定。

第十五条 对审查中没有发现问题的党内法规和规范性文件,审查机关应当直接予以备案通过,并及时反馈报备机关。


Article 16 Intra-party regulations and normative documents have no principled issues, but there are any of the following circumstances, the examination organ can be put on record and adopted, and make suggestions to the reporting organ:





17th inner-party regulations and normative documents have no principled issues, but there are irregularities in the use of names, style, format, language expression, etc., the examination organ can be put on record for adoption, and inform the reporting organ of the relevant situation。


Article 18 Intra-Party regulations and normative documents have no principled issues, but there are any of the following circumstances, the examination organ can be put on record and adopted, and the reporting organ is reminded in writing:








第十九条 党内法规和规范性文件存在下列情形之一,审查机关应当不予备案通过,并要求报备机关进行纠正:








The reporting authority shall, within 30 days after receiving the request for correction, report the relevant handling situation, and shall promptly take effective measures together with the relevant parties to properly handle the complex and sensitive matters that are prone to adverse effects。

纠正后的党内法规和规范性文件符合要求的,审查机关按程序予以备案通过。If the reporting organ fails to correct the problem or report the relevant corrective measures within the prescribed time limit, and there is no justifiable reason, the examining organ may make a decision to revoke the relevant intra-party regulations and normative documents。

第二十条 审查机关对报备的党内法规和规范性文件作出审查处理决定,应当按照规定权限和程序审批。

第二十一条 对未发现问题的党内法规和规范性文件,审查机关一般在30日内完成审查处理工作。发现可能存在问题的,可以适当延长审查处理时间,但一般不超过3个月。


第二十二条 审查机关应当及时梳理总结审查中发现的问题,加强综合分析利用,推动完善制度、改进工作。

第六章 保障与监督

Article 23 Strengthen the informationization construction of the filing and review work, establish and improve a comprehensive coverage, interconnection, complete functions, convenient operation of the filing network, and improve the informationization level of the filing and review work。

第二十四条 党组织应当加强对备案审查工作情况的监督检查、考核评价、表彰奖励,相关结果在一定范围内通报。

第二十五条 实行党内法规和规范性文件备案审查责任追究制度。有下列情形之一,应当依规依纪追究有关党组织、党员领导干部以及工作人员的责任:


(2) In violation of the reporting procedures and time limit requirements, reporting is not standardized, not timely or even does not report, or refuses to rectify the problems pointed out by the examining authority or rectification is not timely or in place, resulting in serious consequences;



第七章 附则

第二十六条 中央军事委员会可以根据本规定,制定军队党内法规和规范性文件备案审查办法。

第二十七条 本规定由中央办公厅负责解释。

第二十八条 本规定自2012年7月1日起施行。


(2019年8月30日中共中央政治局会议审议批准 2019年9月3日中共中央发布)

第一条 为了提高党内法规执行力,推动党内法规全面深入实施,根据《十大网堵平台》,制定本规定。

第二条 各级党组织和全体党员负有遵守党内法规、维护党内法规权威的义务。Party organizations and leading cadres of Party members at all levels must strengthen the "four consciousness", firmly "four self-confidence", achieve "two maintenance", firmly establish the concept that the implementation of regulations is their duty, and ineffective implementation of regulations is dereliction of duty, and effectively shoulder the political responsibility of implementing intra-party regulations。

Article 3 Under the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, establish and improve the implementation of the regulation responsibility system under the unified leadership of the Party Committee, the General office (office) of the Party Committee, the competent department takes the lead, the relevant units assist and cooperate, and the Party discipline inspection organ strictly supervises。

第四条 地方各级党委对本地区党内法规执行工作负主体责任,应当坚决贯彻党中央决策部署以及上级党组织决定,带头严格执行党内法规,并领导、组织、推进本地区党内法规执行工作,支持和监督本地区党组织和党员领导干部履行执规责任。

第五条 党委办公厅(室)负责统筹协调本地区党内法规执行工作,推动党委关于党内法规执行部署安排的贯彻落实。

Article 6 The functional departments, administrative organs, dispatched organs and institutions directly under the Party Committee shall be responsible for taking the lead in implementing the intra-Party rules and regulations that mainly stipulate their functions and duties, and shall organize, coordinate, urge and guide the relevant Party organizations and leading cadres of Party members in implementing the relevant intra-Party rules and regulations。


Article 7 The Leading Party Group (Party Committee) shall bear the main responsibility for the implementation of the relevant intra-party regulations of its unit (system), and lead, organize and promote the implementation of intra-Party regulations of its unit (system)。

Article 8 The primary Party committees of subdistricts and townships, the Party organizations of villages and communities, the Party committees of state-owned enterprises, and the party organizations of public institutions under the responsibility of administrative leaders under the leadership of the Party committees shall bear the main responsibility for the implementation of the relevant intra-party regulations in their respective areas and units, and lead, organize and promote the implementation of intra-Party regulations in their respective areas and units。


第九条 党员领导干部应当敢于担当、勇于负责,以上率下、以身作则,带头学习宣传党内法规,带头严格执行党内法规。

The secretary of the Party Committee (Party group) shall earnestly fulfill the responsibilities of the first responsible person for the implementation of intra-party regulations in the unit of the region, the members of the team in charge of intra-Party regulations bear direct responsibility for the implementation of intra-Party regulations, and the other members of the team shall do a good job in the implementation of intra-Party regulations in their respective areas in accordance with the requirements of "one post and two responsibilities"。

Article 10 The Party's discipline inspection organs shall take the lead in strictly enforcing the rules and regulations within the Party, supervise and inspect other Party organizations and leading cadres of Party members in fulfilling their duty of enforcing the rules, and earnestly safeguard the Party Constitution and other rules and regulations within the Party。

第十一条 执行党内法规应当遵循下列基本要求:





Article 12 The Party Committee (Party Group) shall hold at least one meeting every year to study the implementation of intra-party regulations, and incorporate intra-Party regulations into the study of the theoretical learning center group and the important content of cadre education and training。


Article 13 Party organizations at all levels shall take effective measures to enhance the awareness of Party members and cadres to enforce regulations, improve their ability to enforce regulations, strictly enforce standards, standardize procedures, and enhance the effect of enforcing regulations。

Article 14 Higher-level Party organizations shall strengthen supervision over lower-level Party organizations and Party members' leading cadres' performance of their regulatory enforcement responsibilities, supervise and inspect the implementation of important intra-party regulations, and inform the general problems found within a certain range。各级党组织应当重视发挥党员、群众和新闻媒体等在监督执规责任履行中的积极作用,推动形成执规工作合力。

Party organizations and party members' leading cadres should be included in the assessment of leading groups and leading cadres, which can be combined with the assessment of the responsibility system for the construction of party conduct and clean government, party building work, and rule of law construction。

Article 15 The organs for formulating intra-Party regulations may, in light of the circumstances, evaluate the implementation and effect of intra-Party regulations, urge Party organizations and leading cadres of Party members to fulfill their duty of enforcing regulations, and promote the implementation of intra-Party regulations。

开展党内法规实施评估工作应当制定年度计划。Intra-party regulations that should be included in the scope of implementation evaluation mainly include: new provisions and requirements made by the upper intra-party regulations and normative documents;Relevant laws and regulations make new provisions;Major changes have taken place in the regulations and adjustments;Encountering greater difficulties or receiving more feedback in the course of implementation;Where the trial period has expired or no trial period has been specified but the trial period has exceeded 5 years。

According to the needs of the work, the implementation of evaluation can carry out a special evaluation of a party regulation or a number of provisions in it, and can also carry out a package evaluation of related party regulations。实施评估结束后应当形成评估报告。

Article 16 Party organizations and leading cadres of Party members under any of the following circumstances shall be held accountable in accordance with regulations and discipline, and those suspected of violating laws and crimes shall be dealt with in accordance with relevant laws and regulations:






第十七条 中央军事委员会可以根据本规定,制定军队党内法规执行责任制规定。

第十八条 本规定由中央办公厅负责解释。

第十九条 本规定自2019年10月1日起施行。